Physical Therapy Videos & Rehab Tools for Injury Recovery - VidPT

VidPT's Goal

We provide busy injured athletes with short, meaningful PHYSICAL THERAPY VIDEOS AND REHABILITATION TOOLS that they use to combat pain, reclaim their health, and compete, again!

We understand that :
  • Physical therapy is much more than just a yellow sheet of paper with stick figure drawings on it.
  • You do the majority of your physical rehabilitation at home and without a physical therapist’s supervision.
  • You do the hard work and persevere through periods of pain, angst, autonomy, and frustration.
  • Consequently, we strive to get you better faster and back doing the activities that you love.

Why VidPT?

It's simple - Get back to being healthy and happy. LET US BE YOUR REHAB GUIDE.

Save time
  • Proven exercise and routines that work
  • Quality resources in one convenient place
Positive Habits
  • Develop the discipline to form positive rehab habits
  • Mentally focus on key muscles that drive the movement and promote proper form
Be Creative / Experiment
  • Change things up when not seeing positive results
  • Focus on exercises and stretches that your body likes
Healthy / Compete
  • See positive results
  • Stay motivated and compete, again!!

Can you afford to ignore the pain any longer? It's time to break the pain cycle and move forward.

Latest Physical Therapy Videos

Have you ever wondered how to fix iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS)?

Let Us Show You How

It's easier than you think. Get the complete IT band syndrome rehab routine.

A Few Rehab Tips

What is your goal? Write it down and remember why you are putting in the effort. Remind yourself each day of your long-term rehabilitation goal.

It all counts. 15 minutes each day is a great starting point and remember to focus on the incremental gains. 15 minutes a day x 30 days a month = 7.5 hours of positive gains! Also, spend your time on exercises that your body likes. Your body will like certain movements more than others.

Focus on where the exercise movement starts. What muscles are responsible for driving the movement and focus your mental attention on those key muscles. This practice promotes proper form and enables you to maximize your efforts and time. Additionally, visualize those key muscles contracting when you exercise and expanding/releasing when you stretch. Mental focus accelerates your recovery.

If an exercise causes pain then your body is either not ready for the exercise or you are performing the movement incorrectly. Pain is your body’s way of telling you to knock it off. If an exercise or movement causes pain then stop doing it.

Try and make physical therapy fun. I know it sounds silly, but reward yourself for your hard work; you’ve earned it. Maybe the reward is watching a new movie. And lastly, remember to be creative, mindful, and discipline in your physical therapy practice!

Start your journey back to health with our FREE tips!